The Walk

Project Phase 3, "The Walk" 

I was assigned to pick one subject, make a goal for 6 weeks, and write about it.  I chose to work on prayer.  Here is what I learned.

I found myself coming closer to the Church as I studied talks from the Prophets and Apostles.  Before this class I probably wasn't praying daily as I should but it came down to trying to understand things of my life as I try to move forward with my life.  I prayed one night looking for understanding how I could teach my daughter of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I really didn't know how to go about this, and I had tried to teach a certain way by showing her pictures of Jesus Christ.  I had prayed for more help in my understanding of how to teach her.  I know I as I treid to teach her more, she seem to get an idea of what certain things were. 
Through this process of praying I could feel the hand of the Lord in my life and what I was able to understand in preparation of helping myself and others. 
About 3 weeks ago, I was called to be the Sunbeam teacher in my church ward.  I felt the Spirit tell me this was the way go; I didn't give a direct answer to them but as I thought about it more the stronger the feeling became.  Through more prayer and fasting, my final answer was give them a yes, and that I would accept the calling. 
I know prayer works for each us in different ways, and that we do get answers to our prayers as long as we are willing to listen to what is said, either from our Heavenly Father or through the Spirit.  God had blessed me with knowledge that might not have been there as I needed help in something that I didn't understand until this time.  Sometimes his answers come now, and other times his answers come later.  When we ask for answer, we need to seek for what we need and then knock at the door for it to be opened unto us.

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